Saturday, December 26, 2009


Such a poverty of insight man rarely glimpses. Diogenes thinks he is the font of all knowledge you need to know. His favorite pass time: Coming to my blog and sharing his insanity. Personally I have reached a point where I can no longer store his random demonstrations of duplicity. So I decided to give you his rants in the hope you can

A.) Know the enemy.

B.) Help him to the nearest Mental facility.

Below is an actual shot taken from Dio-rreah's last brain scan, which is mysteriously identical to the photo taken from his last colonoscopy:

He enjoys sex but rarely has a partner unless he can find a used plastic water bottle. He works at the same place that bears in moniker. He lives in a town littered with transvestites yet still chooses the used water bottle. He is King Dio-rrhea the non-dio-degradable dipstick of the Colorado Rockies.

Check back each and every other day for his actual rants placed on blogs around the blogosphear.

Such as this actual comment about
"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyooooooo hooooooooodownherewhere are youeeeeeeeeeboyyyyyyy?"

Or this serious post to my comment section: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()

Isn't he just the most ut?

He has no blog of his own because he has no mind of his own. His thoughts are so random he eats butterflys and poops rainbows.

Actual Comment last week: Som tims i feel so coptic my glomus strats to gifus, wikbow?

Arent you impressed?

I know I was... For almost 1/10000 of a second.

By the way Dio-jerk, 1998 just called and they're sick of you too. Move on!

Your answer to 2+2 is 'Bush and Cheney lied"

Dio-rreah has never met a fact he couldn't ignore or a detail he couldn't discount.

I made a toast to your wife on her birthday to 'the best woman I ever had.' The waiter joined me.
You got any naked pictures of her Dio? You wanna see some?

Your father married your mother so they could have kids.
Just imagine their disappointment when you arrived!

Be with us next time for another thrill packed adventure in the commentus life of the blogless buffoon from the Maroon Lagoon

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