Saturday, January 2, 2010


It’s hysterical: Bill Minnich and Diorreah both claim to be bearers of truth and wisdom. Yet we look at their comments and gaze slack-jawed at the pure bunk they foist on the few- very few- readers they enjoy.

We are one day into the New Year. At midnight last night I had, without counting my own hits, 53 visitors to Pathetically Incorrect. Bill can't buy a comment.

When you deal with third graders like these two prepubescent pot heads, you have to at times, keep your distance: Their inanity can be communicable. I am loath to even tarry on them for they don’t listen to reason. They don’t see the big picture God does. They don’t even see the small scheme man can construe for himself. They rely on their own understanding, not God’s or even intellectuals, their own small minded awareness. They discount every single declaration from those who point to the fact that their concepts are not new: Their initiatives aren’t novel. They have been tried and they have failed. There is no history with these closed minded communists.

I have a good belly laugh each time I read Bill Minniche’s by line which reads: “Remember, the idiots are right outside, and they want to come in.” Hell they own the place Bill. You’re the King kook in that cave. And your little lap dog who persists in his quest to illustrate with great detail his ability to be trumped at everything he says gives the room a masochistic ambiance we all cower from. No one wants to catch his stupid. Now that I allow him to occasionally comment on “Pathetically Incorrect” he is bombarded from five or more directions from great people who have seen all this tripe before and are troubled at his lack of mental rational.

If these two liberals minds were as open as they want others minds to be, we’d all be staring at the floor at our brains. They want others to join their lolly-pop guild.

Sorry guys. We ain’t lickin’

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